Tag Sale*

Forgot to write about the tag sale this weekend.
My parents neighbors mother is permanently in a nursing home, so they had a big tag sale @ her house and included their stuff as well.
I wasn't planning on going [like always] i dunno im just not a BIG tagsale goer. But i love when i find good stuff!

We're not even there 5 seconds and Kaitlyn is scoping out the place!
She got:
  • Trouble [well actually i think that was for me! haha]
  • Break the Ice
  • Memory [she had one but played it so much the pieces got messed up]
  • She got this talking thing...you run the card threw like a debit machine and it sounds out words for you. Its a older system, but it works!
  • A pair of Candy Corn earrings for halloween but she'd like them for now!
  • She found me a puka shell anklet
  • One of those books that you press the buttons when the story tells you to.
All that for $7! The original prices were still on the games, and they added up to way more than $7;-)

My parents also went the day before me and my mom went...they came home w/4 barbies and a big ziplock bag full of barbie clothes and acces!! She freaked out when they walked in the house!! They got all that stuff for $2.00!!! [Thanks to Val for giving up her Barbies;-) ]


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