Sunday Dave and I went to CVS...i only wanted two things.
Went in for the Pantene that was 2/$7 - 2/$5 after ECB's and Dawn dish soap that was Bogo [$1.49].
I had my coupons all planned out and figured out how much i would be paying before hand.
I get my stuff, give the kid my coupons and my total comes to $3.xx [oop] i didnt question it of course cause that total was less than what i figured!... for coupons i had $3.00 off 2 Pantene products which would make it 2/$4 and 2/$2 after ECB's rite? my total was less than what the pantene shoulda came to! I still dont get it...and i had 2 coupons for Dawn [yes you can use two coupons on BOGO items] 1 was 1.00 off and the other was .20 off so that woulda made my total for the two soaps .29. So my total shoulda been $4.29 rite?...and i DID get my ECB's so i know i bough the rite Pantenes! So after ECB's my total was $1.xx! hahah score! Im pretty sure ill never figure out how that worked out! My mom couldnt even figure it out and she worked in retail for 20something years! haha


  1. Yea Tammy is back!! haha, it's been awhile since a new post - yes I guess I stalk you here too!!


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