Big - Y 11/19

I don't usually got to two grocery stores, but I decided to today seeing as we needed a ton of stuff! So I did BigY and Stop and Shop.
Lots of BOGO and BOG2 Items this week!! 
My mom had gotten a $5 off any turkey @ BigY coupon last week and gave it to me. So i got a $12 Turkey [decent size for a family of 3.5!] We'll have it after TG sometime once we come out of our Turkey coma from my parents house! haha.
I also had a coupon for spend $40 get a gold coin, plus we won two silvers!
I also had a $10/50 coupon from Recycle bank!

Total before savings = $178.54
My Total OOP was $86.xx 
Saved 55%
and got another coupon for spend $40 get a Gold Coin.


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