So ive been waiting for my P&G coupons for what seems like forever, but it was really only like 3 weeks! I was waiting for my pamper coupon haha -- sad huh?
Well i had 25 EBC's ive been saving so course i wanted to hit up CVS! I usually try to figure out how much my total is going to be ahead of time, but yesterday i didnt do that, i felt stressed for some reason, but i did really good just guessing!! Heres my CVS list!

Dawn Simple Pleasures - BOGO & a $1.00 cpn
Febreze Air Effects Spray - 2/$5 & a BOGO cpn
Gillette Shaving Cream - $3.99 & $1.00 cpn
Pampers Jumbo Pack - $8.99 & $1.50 cpn
Crest Whitning Toothpaste -$2.49 & $1.00 cpn
2 CVS waterproof bandaids - $2.99 BOGO
Huggie Wipes - $3.49 & $1.00 cpn
J&J Easy Grip Soap - .99

After coupons my total came to $25.00 so w/my 25 ECB's i paid nothing OOP! How i did that perfectly is beyond me!!! I saved $41.19!!
I also got 1 ECB back...only 1? wtf!! I spend enough money in that store where my ECB's should be shooting out of the machine [well my spring spending ones anyway!] So far for spring spending bucks ive only gotten 7 back so far [on one receipt].
Now on to staples...i wasn't planning on going there but my mom wanted to go, so i went along.

2 purell 0.50 oz bottles - 0.02 ea
Pencil Sharpner - 0.99
Tiger Paper Clips - $1.29
2 packs of pencils - .01 ea
Elmers Glue - $1.49
Elmers Glue sticks - .30

total = $4.32

**After re reading my CVS receipt im pretty sure i got Daves gillette body soap [i forgot to list that in the above list & forgot to put it in the picture] for free!!! I think she forgot to scan it!! yaaaa!


  1. I went to staples the other day to pick up something for my boss, and I came across those 2 pocket folders  at a penny each.  So I bought ten!  I might not be in school anymore, but they are nice to have from time to time, and for one penny, how can you go wrong?? lol!

  2. I agree!!
    i use those folders, so bills, etc!
    cant go wrong!!!


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