Bath & Body Works SCOREEEE!!!

Ive been SOO anxious to use my BBW coupons!
Stuff till September is
  • Anti Bacterial Soap & Aromatherapy Hand soaps 5 for $5.00
  • Anti Bac. travel sanitizers $3 <---good for diaper bags!!
  • Select C.O Bigelow Hand Treatments 2 for $14
  • NEW size 8oz Anti-Bac Waterless Hand Gel 2 for $10
  • Anti Bacterial 1 oz 5 for $5<---also good for DB's
The sales girl was really helpful...usually sales ppl drive me nuts!
I had two different FREE coupons w/a purchase of $10.00 and the other $12.00 or more.
I asked her if we could use them if we had enough for both...she said we'd have to do 2 separate transactions, which was fine w/me!!
So she rang us up, and figured it out so we'd get the most for our money!!

Soooo one receipt was $14.39
...and the second was $21.20
Total $35.59 oop

Total w/o savings = $73

My 2 free things were 8oz lotions [the big ones!]

She also gave me 2 more coupons that start sept. 3-21st for a free anti bacterial Halloween soap [pumpkin or ghost] so ill spend $20 and get one of each!! Also i got a $10 off $20 coupon on the bottom of my receipt today that i can use then too!!!

Heres my loot from today;-)


  1. good deals...I may go and stock up for my mom for her stocking

  2. Awesome! Is that antibacterial soap still 5 for 5? That foaming soap is my favorite and I'm just about out of all of mine! You are the best bargain shopper I know!

  3. Yep the sale is going on i think till the end of august...the next sale starts sept. 2nd soo i you got time=)


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