ive only been doing this since around July of 08.
our grocery bill def. has been going down!
but i want to make it ALOT lower! give me some suggestions and tips!! im up for anything=)

sorry if im posting too still doped up from my surgery Monday so i have nothing else to do! uhg


  1. Try shopping in the morning! I've done this and it has lowered my bill tremendously! My grocery does their markdowns in the morning and I am able to snag produce for 50c and under! The only hint is to either freeze it or cook it right away to ensure it doesn't go bad right away! I haven't spent over 49cents for a loaf of GOOD bread since August and I am always getting things like BBQ sauce and salad dressing for 99c and under (I live in a land of no doubles and take what I can get, lol!)

    Hope This Helps and Good Luck!


  2. wow thats great to know!!
    thanks much=)

  3. One word....SHAWS!!
    Supposedly there is a really good deal coming up. I will let you know the details as soon as I do!
    I do 90% of my shopping there and spend around 30-40 a week...but there are weeks like this week that i am so stocked up on food that I don't even need to go :)
    As far as meats go...i shop at 99 avocado st meat market and arnolds ...i buy my produce at costco and split it with some one (because we could never finish it off before it goes bad)

  4. We go to Shaws when there's good deals, but i still dont feel like im saving what i should be saving! So yea let me know!! Our next shopping trip will prob. be next Friday [we go every other]...i wish shaws was closer!
    My mom goes to 99 meat outlet but i always forget about it! Daves grampa sent us a shit load of Omaha Stuff that we've been living off of for now 2 mouths! haha that has def. saved us some money!

  5. cut all coupons you would use if you could get them for free or cheap

    Roll deals(Shaws is great for this..)

    Buy 20 get 10 back so spend 20 the first time and there after 10 because you use the 10 you got back. Makes for a ton of mini trips but you save tons

    I ONLY buy bogo meat or manager mark down

    I go mid week for markdown dairy

    ALWAYS check the bins in the back of the store for clearance...

    You can freeze cheese, bread, meats, etc.

  6. We freeze our Cheese, Bread and Obv. Meat too...I check the bins in the back but all they ever tend to have his dog food that abby wont eat [guess our stores just suck].
    What kinda Dairy do they mark down? and how do you know its marked down? do they mark it?
    I would do mini trips if Shaws wasn't so far away! uhg. i don't mind driving there for grocery's but it would be a waste to keep going back...we'd make up the difference in gas!

  7. One Word........... STOCKPILE!

    Say you find the brand of granola bars your family likes on sale and with coupons they average .50 cents per box. Well, normally these would cost, let's say, $2.00 per box so instead of getting 1 get 4 (or more if you have enough coupons). I generally try to get as many as i can use within a 4-6 month period. I have 2 shelves in the computer room where I store our stockpiles - food, cleaning supplies, hba, ect. I also rotate the products just like they do at the stores. HTH and Good Luck! :)

  8. Thanks!...
    I need to start working on my food stockpile cause my HBA etc stockpile is pretty set for now! So that will be my mission this week when we go shopping!!


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