Oh how i love nice weather & going to CVS=)
What a nice day it was today!!!
It was in the 50's and so sunny out! It made me feel good! We cleaned a bunch today and we're not even near done! We cracked the windows and aired out the joint! I decided i needed a Mr.Clean Magic Eraser to clean the finger printed, crayoned, dirty walls -- i got a sample in the mail today so i tried it on the walls and it worked great, so Kait and I headed to CVS! Ohhh and i had a coupon i didnt know i had for .50! We also needed Cat food & i had a $5 coupon.
2 pack Mr.Clean was $2.50
IAMS Cat Food $11.49
Used .50 Q & $2.5x Q as well as 2 ECBs.
I used 2 Gift Cards i had which covered the difference!
so $0.00 oop!
Sooo cute!!! I was so sad about the Rice works q too :(