Wags TRiP 1

I went to wags Sunday AM but forgot to post!
Got the BOGO Coffee Mate Creamer theres a $1.50 coupon HERE, you can print it 2x. Use 2 coupons on the BOGO sale and get them FREE!
The Johnsons trial size lotions are .99, but free after $1.00 Q from 3/1 with .01 overage.
I also had a $2 RR.
My total Oop was $3.xx [which was the price of the milk].

Im going back tomorrow for some other stuff. Hopefully ill remember to post!


  1. thanks for the reminder about the coffee mate!

  2. no problem!
    i need to figure out how to get some more coupons before the sale is over -- my husband lives for coffee mate haha


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