Best spent $25

When Brae was 3 months old we decided we wanted to get him some sort of Jumper. We looked at the Rain Forest one and were actually planning to buy it [full price uhg $89ish]. Well Target and Walmart were out of stock so we went to Once Upon a Child [its a kids hand me down store if you dont have one around you]. They had a Jumperoo rite out in the front! $25! I was still kinda iffy about it, Cause Kait never liked anything like that when she was his age, but soon as we got him home he seemed to like it!! Well now he is almost 7 months old and LOVES the thing! We swear one day he is going to jump right out of it! But im so glad i didnt go buy the $89 jumper...this one is just as good!!


  1. T loves his Jumper too. We have the rainforest one, but someone purchased it off our registry for us. What I like is there is a nice height adjustment with it (although T is too small right now, we have to put a small pillow under his feet). I can't wait til he moves around like Brae. I need a Once Upon a Child trip for a highchair! And be careful, after seeing some of those jumps in the video it looks like he is aiming for the moon!

  2. Looks like he loves it!!! Evan had one that hung from the door frame and i was so afraid when he was jumping it would come unhooked and he would go flying!! So i think im going to get one like you have for the next baby! lol

  3. yea theres a height adjustment on his too...we've already had to raise it once! haha


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