Baby's and Diapers!

Im not sure how much help this will be to anyone, but i came across a EBook i printed when i was pregnant last year. Here are some of the things in it! If you want to read everything in the book, you'll have to go to the site linked above!

Ways to get FREE Diapers:
  • Diaper Drive - Usually done by someone other than yourself and usually done by community donations, friends, church groups, community members can help organize diaper drives. [Ive never heard of one of these, but figured id throw it in there anyway in case there's one in your area!]
  • Baby Shower - People DO have "diaper showers" all the time. Everyone just brings a pack of diapers to the shower along with their gift or as the gift.
  • Online Groups - Join some online "Parents" groups. Search for one in your area here:
  • Your OB - A good way also to get free diapers and formula is to ask your OB. They have lots of free items from Manufactures.  If they don't give them to you right away, just as. It never hurts to ask!! They have free diapers, free creams, free parenting subscriptions, sometimes goodie bags. Especially companies like Similac and Enfamil. they want you to buy after you sample so they give you a large bag of goodies, including diapers, wipes, lotion, diaper cream, formula, etc.. They have reps go there all the time to sell and give away free diapers and formula to the hospitals too. They are more than willing to help you out!
  • Manufacturers - I have been receiving diapers from Manufactures, just samples, but every diaper counts! You would want to contact  all the major companies, like Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, etc. and they will put you on a mailing list and or send you diapers when you give them a cop of the birth certificate. They will also send you coupons! [also sign up your mom or mother in-law or someone who wont mind, that way you will get double, or triple the coupons!]
  • Fill Out Forms - Another great way to get free diapers and items are to fill out offers, even if you don't use the specific brand its a good thing to have. When your due date comes around you will get packages from all the places you sent the offers into and receive things like formula, diapers, money savings coupons! Always check your mail box for offers and coupons even if you don't think you will use them, keep them until the expiration date, you might find out you need it or like that certain brand!
Where to get FREE coupons: [i did this and it really works!!] -
You will have to call and write to a bunch of places, but after the savings its worth it!! About a week after making the calls i started receiving all sorts of things in the mail!! Formula, coupons, samples, etc etc.  Here is a list of all the numbers you can call!! [some are automated]
  1. FREE New Mothers Kid from Pfizer - 1-800-223-0182 say you are interested in the new mothers kit and also let them know if you are having twins. etc They will ask you how you heard of this offer. Tell them a friend told you. You get Desitin, Pedicare, Purell, and other Pfizer products.
  2. Evenflo - 1-800-233-Baby Free gift pack for Multiples - full of bottles, nipples and toys
  3. Avent - 1-800-54-Avent free info and sample [wonderful samples for BFing moms!]
  4. Balmex - 1-866-844-2798 press 0 - Free Samples/Coupons
  5. Carnation Good Start - 1-800-242-5200 free club with checks free and dollars off formula.
  6. Del Monte - 1-800-USA-BABY [coupons and samples].
  7. Earths Best - 1-800-434-4246 Press 1 for free coupons
  8. Free Evenflo Product Coupons, Booklets and Info - 1-800-356-2229
  9. First Years - 1-800-533-6708 Free toys for Multiples
  10. Gerber - 1-800-443-7237 Free Coupons
  11. Huggies - 1-800-544-1847 samples/coupons
  12. Johnson and Johnson - 1-800-526-3967 coupons
  13. Pedia Care - 1-800-717-2824 $23.00 off in coupons and coupons for free items and new mothers pack.
  14. Similac - 1-800-Baby-Line  Welcome addition club checks for formula [love these]
  15. Nestle Infant Nutrition - 1-800-22-0453 they send coupons for5 cans of carnation good start formula!
  16. Mead & Johnson - 1-800-222-9123 you can receive a one time shipment of complimentary formula; one care for each baby.
  17. H.J Heinz Consumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Coupons for baby products
  18. Modial Industries - 1-216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies!
  19. Carnation - 1-800-547-9400 sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
  20. Midas - 800-621-0144 Midas dealers off discounts on car seats. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for services at any Midas shop!
  21. One Step Ahead Catalog - 1-800-274-8440
The Key to buying cheap diapers is breaking the price down per diaper. It varies per size so keep that in mind. Here are some interesting numbers...
  • 22 Cents per diaper is a decent price
  • 18 Cents is the average price found per diaper size 1 on ebay.
  • 10 Cents is the most i ever paid for diapers
  • 8 Cent diapers can be found using coupons [also extra bucks, rebates, etc:
Shop anywhere there is a sale!! There are always sales! Look for coupons!
Hope this helps a little!


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