TwentyTen or TwoThousandTen? Whatever it is here are my goals!!

[i wrote this as a facebook note last night so if it sounds like im talking to you all like you have no clue, that is why!!...i didnt feel like re typing it for you bloggers=) ]

Last years GOAL was a big success! My/our goal last year was to save as much $$ as possible by starting a stockpile and using as many coupons as possible to get the most for our money -- that goes for any store -- grocery, drug stores etc. I set a $100.00 bi weekly grocery budget and stuck to it week after week! Typically spending under budget!
I didn't set any weekly drug store budgets as i would use my best judgment as to what was a good price... i usually only shop @ CVS, RITE AID, WALGREENS when something is free or free after rebates/extra bucks/resister rewards etc.
Right now we have a very good stockpile of shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent, toilet paper etc etc. [if you've been to our house I'm sure you've seen it]. Having this stockpile saves time and money when something runs out! We don't have to run to the store and buy that item full price!
So anyway this year is going to be a little different... this years goal is to use as much of the stockpile as possible with out it getting down too low! My goal is to use the money that would be used to buy these items to try and be debt free with the medical bills i racked up when Dave got new insurance and i had Braeden! uhg!!...and when i say racked up, i mean racked up! Its crazy how much L&D don't think about it till you lay your eyes on the bills!! If i could get these bills paid down if not off, i would be very happy and could start focusing on other things that need to be focused on! I will still be searching the ads for freebies but it wont be my main focus right now. This year i saved over $1,800 @ CVS alone!
Also this past year we stopped eating out and stopped buying random things...and believe me its amazing how much money you waste on nonsense items! We probably ate out a handful of times which was only for either of our birthdays, anniversary, family things etc. not just cause we were hungry and didn't feel like cooking!
The last thing i did for the first time this year was shopping all year for birthday/Christmas presents for the kids!...I put a certain amount of money away in a separate account which was specially used for that purpose. I would read peoples blogs to see when different stores were having deals and i did a good portion of Christmas shopping in July when Target did their 75% off toys sale! I spent $100 on over $400 worth of toys! Needless to say cause of my kids frugal mom they had an amazing Christmas!

I know some people don't understand this way of living, but to me its a fun challenge, and i really don't care what other people think anymore. Im saving us money and im willing to help anyone who wants to learn!
**you call it being cheap... i call it being smart!**


  1. Thats awesome Tammy! You saved 1,800 at cvs! thats soo good.. I need to start doing what you are doing!!


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