Holy [bottled] Water!!!!

So my husband works at a bottle making/packaging company. They make bottles for Pepsi, Polar, Poland Springs, etc. Well last night a trailer gets dropped off and they go to start loading it up with their product and realize theres a ton of waters in the back of the trailer! So i guess his boss called around and said if no one called back to claim the water by the end of the night Dave and the other guys he works with could take w/e they wanted! So no one ever claimed it by 7am this AM so here is the end result!!! [Its nestle].
He took 25 cases!! We gave my mom 3 for my sisters grad party [i tried to give her more but she said 3 was enough haha]

[Our Basement!]


  1. That's awesome!!! :-)

  2. Holy crap! Jackpot of water!

  3. nice ... I would be bringing water to parties for years... I think that is great..

  4. Score! Fits perfect under your stairs! Just discovered your blog and glad I did, I will be back for sure.

  5. Thanks!!! make sure you add my fan page on facebook too [if you have FB]. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-coupon-Junkie/313357898787?ref=ts


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