Coupon Terms & Abbreviations
My fans on my FB page asked for a blog post of coupon terms and abbreviations cause some were having difficulty making sense of some posts. If you go HERE there is a full list of every abbreviation but ill post the most common ones i use to help you guys out! Hope this helps!
- B1G1 or BOGO - Buy one get one free
- B2G1 - Buy two get one free
- Blinkie - In-Store SmartSource coupon dispensed near product, usually from a red blinking box.
- CAT - Coupon dispensed at register after purchase, usually has a red border, redeemable only at the store that it printed at or at stores that accept competitor store coupons.
- Catalina - Coupon dispensed at register after purchase, usually has a red border, redeemable only at the store that it printed at or at stores that accept competitor store coupons.
- CRT- Cash register tape (Receipt)
- CVS - Consumer Value Store, a drug store
- Double Coupon - Coupon that a grocery store doubles in value. Only certain stores double coupons
- ECB - Extra Care Bucks, rewards earned at CVS for purchases made
- Hangtag - A coupon or form found hanging from a tag around the neck of a bottle or jar
- IMO - In my opinion
- Insert - Booklet of coupons found in the Sunday newspaper, insert coupons.
- IP - Internet printable, a coupon or form you can print from the internet.
- MIR - Mail in rebate.
- MQ - Manufacturer Coupon, a coupon issued by a manufacture (as opposed to a store coupon, which is issued by a store).
- OOP - Out of pocket
- Overage - When you purchase an item with a coupon and the item costs less than the value of the coupon you may receive overage. Example: You purchase an item that costs .99 cents and you use a $1.00 off 1 coupon to purchase the item you will have .01 cent overage. Most stores do not actually give you cash back but some stores will allow you to put your overage towards the other items in your order. Overage is always nice but not to be expected. Some stores adjust the value of the coupon discount down to the price of the item, while some stores adjust the price of the product being purchased up to the price of the coupon.
- OYNO - On your next order, wording on Catalina or register reward coupons for which you purchase an item and receive a coupon that is for money off your next order.
- Peelie - A coupon that you peel off the package
- PG or P&G - Proctor & Gamble Sunday insert coupon.
- Printable [IP] - A coupon that you print from the internet and your computer
- RA - Rite-Aid
- RC - Rain Check a slip of paper that a store issues when an item is out of stock allowing you to purchase that item at a later date at the sale price.
- Rebate - A mail in offer provided by the manufacture of a product or a store that will refund you back money you spent to purchase a specific item in whole or in part.
- SS - SmartSource, a company owned by News Marketing America that issues a Sunday insert, Blinkie coupons, printable coupons and other forms of coupons.
- Stacking - Some stores allow the use of more than one coupon per item if the coupon itself does not restrict such usage.
- Tearpad [TP] - A pad of refund form or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display
- WAG/S - Walgreens, a drug store
- WYB - When you buy
- YMMV - Your mileage may vary - the success of the attempt may vary at your store.
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