Michaels Stores
I never really shop @ Micheal's unless I need something small...im not very crafty so no need for me to shop there a lot!! But whenever i DO need to go there i always use a in ad coupon!! The other day we bought some wooden frames for Kait to paint and write on for her teachers [putting pictures of her and each teacher in the frame]. I used a 40% off 1 item for that purchase and when my receipt printed it printed a 50% off 1 item coupon! I didn't think id use it, but i ended up needing 2 more frames so back we went today! I really wanted to use that coupon on something WORTH it not a $1.99 frame! So as im walking the isles I saw a nice matted frame that had a spot for a 8x10 picture and said 2010 underneath [my sister just graduated HS and i figured people at her grad party could sign the matt @ the party!]! It was $29.99 So i figured with the coupon that would be a good deal! I also bought a Green [school color] 2 sided marker/pen for signing! Well i wasn't really paying attention when the cashier told me the total, so i just swiped my card and went on my way! I got to the car and was thinking WAIT A MINUTE...$34.99? So we i go back in and asked about it and at first the [same] cashier said it was because it was on sale -- but it definitely wasn't...i know when things are on sale ;-) lol. So she typed in the numbers and NOPE not on sale! So she gets the manager and the manager told her she was doing the coupon all wrong! She was supposed to be keying in some code instead of scanning the coupon cause it wasn't working properly and all the discount only went toward my pen -- whoopie! So the manager fixed it for me and gave me my $15 back! The cashier said to the manager "ahhh Ive had a ton of these coupons today and Ive been doing it wrong all day!!!!"
So this post is probably just for Local people who might have shopped at this store and used this coupon...or maybe other states are having the same issue, so this post is for you too then! Check your receipt! I'm not bashing the cashier [for those of you who like to look at the negative side of things], she and the manager were very nice and went above and beyond to figure out the problem and got it solved!
So this post is probably just for Local people who might have shopped at this store and used this coupon...or maybe other states are having the same issue, so this post is for you too then! Check your receipt! I'm not bashing the cashier [for those of you who like to look at the negative side of things], she and the manager were very nice and went above and beyond to figure out the problem and got it solved!
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