Why I do this...

I don’t care who you are, the economy has hit you one way or another! This doesn’t mean you have to be dirt poor to use a coupon or partake in a deal! There are some pretty wealthy people that coupon as well! When I was younger and would go grocery shopping with my mom and she would whip out her coupons at the register and you better believe I was heading for the hills!!! I was so embarrassed! But now I can thank my mom for this addiction she has caused!

I started couponing June 29, 2008 so almost 2 years ago!!! I started when I found out I was pregnant with out second child! I figured the bigger jump I got on diapers and wipes the better off id be, and boy was I right!!! I also never realized till then that there was a formula to figure out if you were getting a good diaper/wipe deal! The formula is: X-amount of diapers or wipes divided by the price you paid after coupons, Extra Care Bucks [CVS], Register Rewards [Walgreens], Single Check Rebates [Rite Aid]! I don’t like paying more than .7 per diaper and .2 or .3 per wipe!

Until I started couponing I never realized how many deals there were out there and how many items you can get for free after coupons!!! After I started my diaper stock pile I started working on a non perishable/Health and Beauty stockpile! Some people might look at it as hoarding, but its not, well its not unless you let it become that!! [If you look on my facebook FANPAGE you can see my stock pile pictures]. I always offer people items when they come over! And I also donate a lot too!! Its so nice to know I can help the less fortunate for just cents or even for nothing!! Another good reason to have a stockpile [and it doesn’t have to be huge] is that when you run out of that bottle of shampoo after you already got ready to jump in the shower… now all you have to do is grab a bottle out of your stockpile and jump back in the shower! Without a stockpile you’ll have to postpone that shower and run to the store [make sure you put your clothes back on] most likely with out a coupon or on a sale! So your going to pay say $3.50 for a bottle of shampoo that I have sitting on my shelf that I paid nothing for!

No, couponing isn’t for everyone, and yes its like a full time job, but it works for me/us, and you can make it work for you [check out my binder system HERE], even if its not the same way I do it!!

I found a receipt from 3 years ago last year, I looked at it and cringed! First of all our grocery trip was over $200!! And I only used ONE coupon!!!! Ridiculous!!! Now I budget $100 for our grocery shopping and that is for 2 weeks worth of grocery’s!! Lately ive only been spending between $50-$60!! Once a month we will go to our local meat market and get a 5lb bag of meat and split it up by each pound and we buy a huge bag of chicken for about $17! Some of that chicken we cut up for stir-fry and put in freezer bags! Because of couponing and deals we are able to do all the things we love to do and don’t have to give up anything do to the inflation of EVERYHTHING! 

I hope this helps you guys out, or at least helps you understand a little better why I do this! Some people probably just think im crazy but seriously when you see your total at the cash register equal $0.00 you wont think im crazy for long!!

p.s don’thesitate to ask me for help! I’m always willing =)


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