Extreme Couponers on TLC

I really DON'T want to judge, as I wouldn't want to be judged on my way of living and saving -- I do the same stuff, but not as extreme!  I'm assuming this show is staged a bit, and if its not I'm sorry for making assumptions, but it seems a little over the top, as does every other show on TV, which is how they get all the views they do I would imagine!

Amanda - As much as it saved her money, I don't think I could take the time or effort to go through what she does!! Power to her for being able to do all that!!! I get overwhelmed with my $100 Grocery Shopping Trips when I save 50%! I don't want to judge but, is ALLLL that Pasta necessary all at once? Not for me, but maybe for others, but, most of my grocery stores around here have the same $10/$10 sale every few/months weeks etc. So if you cant get it this time, you can get it next time, provided the coupon match ups are good. I also don't like taking SO many things at once, I'll do maybe 5-10 at a time if its a good deal, but i would never dedicate a entire shopping cart to boxes of pasta!
I guess this is when you can say DEFINE HOARDING!

Joanie - Dumpster Diving?!!? AHH! Ive known of people going through peoples recycle bins...but i don't know anyone, that has literally gone in a dumpster -- with their kids! Note: Why does she have gloves on and not her kids?...anyone else notice this? I DO like her binder and how she has a index,I  think I might take up that idea! I definitely need to get more serious about my binder, and my rotating of my stockpile. I'm with her on the Cashier Profiling tho!!! Its so true!!! However, she said the younger boy cashiers are the best... uhgg they are the worst for me!!! The older men cashiers and middle aged woman are the best for me at my two stores!! HA i love when the other cashier turned around  and said was that the order that was just $6xx.xx!? I get that all the time...just not at that amount of money lol. She did a great job!

**Since watching just the first two woman, i noticed that i am NOT alone at getting stressed at check out!! My Blood Pressure goes through the roof at some points! So i'm so with them!!!

Joyce - I'm with her on getting coupons from anyone and everyone!!!! Shes got some great people saving her Q's!!! She is so right about people not knowing how to read circulars! She also does something that ive done many and many of times -- write to company's!!! Write to them if you have a bad experience, and write to them with positive comments! Ive done both and the majority of company's WILL send you FREE coupons and high value coupons!! Its worth it to do it!!I like that she buys what she truly NEEDS. Shes so sweet...i love how she helps everyone!!!! I help buy not so personally... i help by leaving coupons on shelves, or handing one to someone behind me in line etc. Haha I LOVE her audience at the register!!!

[Here is a list I made a few months ago of different company's to email and whether they sent coupons or not. Click Picture for bigger view]
Nathan - First of all I want to say that I LOVE that there are guys out there I like his paper cutter idea!! I think i might get one -- not as big, but i gotta start somewhere ;-) He is making me realize i need to get alot more serious about my savings!!! I thought i was doing good haha, i lied! With all those tooth brushes he grabbed with his arms, how does he know how many he had vs. coupons? Or was that just for the show?! I love that the cashiers are all pushing his carts haha. couponing!!! I really like his stockpiling system, it looks nice, neat and organized! I agree with him, I also tell people not to get behind me... if they do they WILL regret it haha, especially if its a bad cashier!!! 
p.s i know he runs a forum... can anyone tell me what it is?! I would definitely love to join!!!

Please dont be offended, as this is not what this blog is intended on doing!!


  1. I think the part I liked best about Nathan was the he donated to a local food bank! I don't remember the others profiled saying that, although I have a feeling that the Joyce lady does, or helps other out. I don't care how good a deal is, you don't need to buy 200 boxes of pasta when you already have a years supply. There are too many hungry people to hoard like that.

  2. I agree with Michelle that 200 boxes of pasta is ridiculous, especially when they didn't even have anywhere to keep it all! Nathan was great and his website is www.weusecoupons.com


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