REVIEW Question...

How do I go about getting involved in product reviews? Id love to do it, and in turn give you guys the change for winning giveaways!!!! Anyone have any info?


  1. Do you do Business2Blogger? I started it in November, I think. Anyway, I was just chosen to get $150 towards event design services from a gal in Dallas, and I also get to givaway another $150 of her services! I also have gotten involved in reviewing books from Blogging For Books. I'll be reviewing my first children's book in the next week or so. That's all I'm involved in so far. I can't wait to see what your readers have to say!

  2. Do you do Business2Blogger? I started it in November, I think. Anyway, I was just chosen to get $150 towards event design services from a gal in Dallas, and I also get to givaway another $150 of her services! I also have gotten involved in reviewing books from Blogging For Books. I'll be reviewing my first children's book in the next week or so. That's all I'm involved in so far. I can't wait to see what your readers have to say!

  3. I was just singing up as you were writing this comment haha! But i cant wait to see what happens next!!! I always see people reviewing awesome things!!

  4. David (aka Daddy) from Ohh, Daddy Likey blog here.

    All you have to do to begin with is contact smaller companies (since your readership isn't high yet) and let them know you'd like to review a certain product of theirs. You win some, you lose some, but that's how most of us do it. I've got another blog (The Waiting Womb)( and I've reviewed tons of awesome things. I've NEVER gotten to review anything from Business2Blogger. And I sign up for a lot there.

    I contact companies directly from their website using their "Contact Us" pages. Tell them I'd like to review a product and let them take it from there.

    Check out my 'Waiting Womb' blog to see all the reviews/giveaways I've done. Then just start contacting the companies you'd like to review for. The more followers you have = the bigger and better items you can review.

    Good luck!!

    PS - I've got 4 month old twins. Any ideas on how I can save a lot on diapers?!!? Feel free to e-mail me from either of my blogs. I may not see a reply in this thread. :)

  5. Thanks for letting me know all that info...i really appreciate it!!!
    Like you said my views arent high...ive been doing this since 2008, and cant seem to figure out how to get the readers! I once posted a blog about having people pass the word around about my blog, and one girl told me that if my blog was any good, i wouldn't have to be begging people to join my blog, so now Ive kinda been in the mind set of umm doo i keep asking people? or do i just let them find my blog on their own? Since then Ive kinda been doing a little of both. But any suggestions on how to get the readers/views up? [ps. my visitor counter was just added a few months ago so those aren't ALL my views...but still blah].
    Congrats on the twins!... as for diapers, i started stocking up when i was about 6 months pregnant and in all sizes, but seeing as the babies are already here, its a little late for that haha. But any of the drug stores, CVS, RITE AID, WALGREENS have good diaper deals, about once a month. Also sign up @ huggies, pampers, luvs etc. and they will send you coupons, plus email them and ask for coupons... alot of places with give you good stuff if you tell them you have multiples!! Hope this helps!!
    Oh and i'll add your other blog too=)

  6. @ Daddy David The Thrifty couple via facebook does a weekly diaper round up of sales

    Tammy in the past how did you find them?

  7. I learned how to diaper shop from buying a Ebook... i had a ton of time on my hands while preg w/Braeden so i just read everything under the its all slipping my mind!!!
    Also you dont want to spend more than .7 per diaper if you can... and about .2 per wipe!


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