Well well well [new laptop!!]
So you all know about my computer problems from a few weeks ago. Well they fixed what was wrong which was the motherboard and the fan, they also fixed my speakers that werent working. BUT they never replaced my battery which we didnt know was a problem cause my computer wouldnt turn on after it died...but once they got it up and running shouldnt they have checked to make sure the laptop ran on both battery power and ac power? Well anyway we ordered a new one which luckly was covered! The other day i went to pick my computer up from the side of my bed and i grabbed it the wrong way...when i grabbed it my finger slipped into a slot, so i was like ummm thats never happend before...so i look and realize my DVD remote that slides in the side of the laptop is missing!! So noticing that made me notice that they never screwed the corner back down when they took the top of my computer off...they also cracked side. Then i start using the laptop and realized my right mouse botton wont work!! Okay...