I really DON'T want to judge, as I wouldn't want to be judged on my way of living and saving -- I do the same stuff, but not as extreme! I'm assuming this show is staged a bit, and if its not I'm sorry for making assumptions, but it seems a little over the top, as does every other show on TV, which is how they get all the views they do I would imagine! Amanda - As much as it saved her money, I don't think I could take the time or effort to go through what she does!! Power to her for being able to do all that!!! I get overwhelmed with my $100 Grocery Shopping Trips when I save 50%! I don't want to judge but, is ALLLL that Pasta necessary all at once? Not for me, but maybe for others, but, most of my grocery stores around here have the same $10/$10 sale every few/months weeks etc. So if you cant get it this time, you can get it next time, provided the coupon match ups are good. I also don't like taking SO many things at once, I'll do maybe 5-10 at a tim...