I have a Dr. apt tomorrow and my husband is coming with me. We will have the baby with us. I was trying to figure out how we would take him in the office with us w/o him wiggling around the whole time and Driving Dave nuts. Obv our Jeep stroller would be wayyyy to big! So i decided to run to TRU to see what they had. I had nothing in mind other than i needed to get a umbrella stroller. I looked at all the ones they had on display and saw the Fisher-Price Precious Plants stroller was on sale for $29.99 Orig. $49.99! and all the basic umbrella strollers were $29.99, so i figured i might as well get the more expensive one for the same exact price as a basic one! The only one left was the one up on the display, so i took that one, and course there was no tag on it so i peeled off the big red and white sale tag that was attached to the shelf -- figured it was the last one so w/e. The cashier thanked me for bringing the tag up other wise she woulda had to go get it herself. She then scans it...